National Stress Awareness Month | News | at Safety Supply Co, Barbados

National Stress Awareness Month

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7 Ways to Lead a Stress Free Lifestyle

April has been deemed National Stress Awareness Month and as such we’ve put together 7 ways you can celebrate this rewarding initiative.

Take control of your health – Taking control of your personal health can make a great difference in the amount of stress you feel. Exercising, a nutritious diet or making that doctor’s appointment you’ve been pushing back, are all ways you can take charge of your body.

Do something you’ve always wanted to - Take that trip, start that creative or physical hobby, finish that book, a trip to the beach; doing something out of routine can put things in perspective and give you the direction you’ve been needing. 

Focus on now and worry about nothing - When you realize you can only control the present, you’ll worry less. Escape from the disappointment of what once was and the fear of what might be, and leave stress stuck in a time warp. 


Meditate and Reflect - Take 10 minutes a day to ‘zone out’ and quiet your mind. This releases the stress of the day and allows your mind to be at peace.


Keep a journal - For 5 minutes every day, write and reflect on the day you’ve just experienced and list 5 good things that happened today.


Be optimistic – No matter the challenge, think positively and put a positive spin on it; let this positive mindset become a focal point throughout your life.


Smile awhile and give your face a rest - Whether it’s in the form of a funny video, movie, a comedy podcast or just talking to a good friend; whatever it takes, give yourself time for laughter each and every day.


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